Full Truck Load

To transport your goods and cargo from one place to another, you need surface freight carriers like trucks. These carriers help your cargo reach to the destined places in time. There are a few exceptions when due to some reasons there is a delay but with gntc's amazing surface freight services you can be sure that there will be little to no delay in transporting your cargo. Let us take a minute to help you understand what surface freight is, what are their types, how does it work, what benefits it has, problems associated with them and how GNTC's surface freight is doing things differently to overcome those problems.

What is Surface Freight?

Surface freight are essentially the land transport who pick up your goods from one point and drop them off to another point. These vehicles can be mini trucks, heavy duty trucks as they all commute via land. Therefore, they have to face the traffic and the challenge to deliver the consignment in time.